Thanks to all attendees

of the

Exercise Science & Training Conference 

November, 9th & 10th, 2023

German Sport University Cologne

Optimizing Training in Sports, Exercise and Health 

The "Exercise Science & Training" section of the Germany Society of Sportscience (DVS) is hosting their 16th biennial Exercise Science & Training Conference at the German Sport University in Cologne. Entitled with "Optimizing Training in Sports, Exercise and Health", the conference covers a wide range of important and current issues in exercise science, relevant to students, practitioners, coaches, researchers and athletes. Please fine the key topics listed below. We are looking forward to meet you in Cologne.


Talent Identification and  Development 

Load and Performance

Decision Making in Sport

Injury Prediction & Prevention 

Relative Age and Maturation 

Neuronal Training Adapations

Children & Adolescents in Training

Exercise Training & Neuromuscular Aging

Clinical Exercise Testing & Training 

Recovery Strategies: Foam, Heat and Cold

Muscular Structure & Adaptations

Wearable Technology & Technical Support

Training and the Menstrual Cycle 

Nutrition and Training

Cognition and Training

Training and Teamsport

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Gest:23 is hosted by the Department of Intervention Research in Exercise Training, German Sport University Cologne; supported by the German Society of Sport Science, German Federal Institute of Sport Science and supported by numerous sponsors.